Friday, November 30, 2007

Things I've noticed...

... on my travels recently

When travelling in the inside lane on a dual carrageway and they car in front indicates to turn left into a side road, the car behind will always try and pull into the outside lane. Why not just decelerate, wait for the car in front to get out of the way and then proceed as normal instead of causing a pileup?

Cars joining the motorway from a sliproad always try and get into the middle lane immediately, as if the inside lane is suddenly going to explode. Motorists that do this tend to stay in the middle lane for the duration of their journey, before violently hurling the car into the inside lane at the last second as they exit the motorway.

If you see a car with the back windscreen wiper constantly on, it will invariably be driven by the fairer sex.

If you want to buy a secondhand car, try and buy one off a pensioner. Guaranteed it will have never gone over 35 mph and will have only ever been driven on a Sunday.


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