Monday, November 12, 2007

Mobile phone

Note mobile PHONE, not mobile phone USER. What is it about people that whenever their moby goes off, they stand up and start wandering around? (Rhetorical question, please don't reply). I was at the airport t'other day, Terminal 3, very busy. I managed to find a seat in the arrivals hall. I was very grateful for this as I had been standing by the corridor where the passengers walk through looking for their loved ones before waving wildly and saying 'yes, it was a good flight thank you'. Where was I? Oh yes, standing alongside the fence waiting for the misus and His Majesty to come through. This women and her friend wedged themselves in next to me. She was talking very loudly to her friend and then proceeded to eat a Ben's Cookie which was the size of a soup bowl. I spotted a vacant seat and made my escape. I sat next to a guy who's phone went off not long after I parked. He answered, then shot to his feet and started pacing around. I watched him for a good 5 minutes, he was up and down, in and out the crowd, in a world of his own. Now you would think that in a busy airport terminal, you would find a quiet corner and finish your conversation. Not this fella, he did about 2 miles during the course of his call. When it was finished, he pocketed his phone, found a seat not far from me and sat down again.

As is the norm, my missus was the last one off the flight. By that time, the cookie eater had dissapeared along with most of the fence dwellers. I went back to my original position. While I was waiting, a passenger came through the doors, talking on his phone. He walked down the corridor a bit, then left his trolley against the side and continued pacing up and down whilst he was on his call. When it was finished, he retrieved his trolley and went on his merry way.

So why do people wander so when on a mobile? Are they trying to get a better reception? Are they revelling in the fact that there are no wires and find the freedom too much to resist? Is there some microwave that makes legs restless? One will never know, but check it out, no one uses a mobile and remains seated.


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