Monday, October 22, 2007

It had to happen

Two posts ago I made mention of people telling me to have a safe journey. A couple of days after the post I had my spill. I was filtering between two lanes of stationery traffic by Twickenham and some nimrod decided to change lanes without indicating, causing me to slam on my front brake and swerve to avoid having my face imprinted on his back window. It was raining, I couldn't keep the bike up and dropped it on the right hand side.

My bike is in a bit of a state, sulking in my backgarden sans a footpeg, front brake lever, back brake pedal and a lot of cuts and bruises to the faring. I am in a better state and only suffered a couple of cracked ribs and some bumps and bruises. My gay helmet survived unfortunately. But now the pain has really begun.

In the panic at the scene of the accident, I forgot to get the guy's registration plate. This has caused a panic with the insurance as I need it. I managed to get hold of him and asked him for his plate number, and he said 'Oh, I didn't think you were going to claim from insurance'. I described the state of my bike to him. He then told me that I hit the back of his car and damaged it and I'd have to pay. I didn't, therefore no damage, and I won't. But as there were no witness details (someone helped me up but was gone by the time I regained my senses. The only other person who was interested hooted at me and waved his arms in the air in anger), I've been told that it's his word against mine and the insurance companies will probably split the bill 50/50, costing me. As my bike is out of order, I've had to go civilian and pay £80 a week on the train. I guess I won't get that money back either. The only people interested in my plight is some solicitor who keeps ringing me asking how I am feeling and urging me to sue the other driver for personal injury liability. I'm far too honest for that. I went to the hospital and got the all clear, so I really don't want to start lying. What a pickle.


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