Wednesday, July 19, 2006

London traffic

More mayhem on the way home last night. As with Friday, the A4 was backed up to the tunnel by Harrods. Luckily this time the traffic was moving so at least there were constantly gaps being created that I could filter through. I've got a thermometer on the bike (I wish they had taken the time to make the engine better than faff about with thermos. But there you go) and at one point it got to 45°C. Nice. Anyway, crawled all the way to the Hammersmith Flyover, and there was a broken down truck on the inside lane that was causing the queue. Unbelievable. I thought of two things:
1 - Why do these breakdowns/blockages always happen a few miles into the journey and not at the start?
2 - There wasn't a police car nor recovery van in sight. The truck must have been there for over an hour.

Rereading all my whines about the traffic, I think I might flog the bike and try public transport again. At least I might develop a social life that way. Nice thing about the bike though, I always get a seat.


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