Friday, September 14, 2007

Shawshank Redemption

I watched the titular film for the umpteenth time t'other night. I'm not sure if it is one of my favourite films of all time, but I certainly enjoy it every time I see it. For the first time something really nagged at me and I don't think I will be able to watch it again without thinking of it. (It's a bit like my dad telling me as a child to watch the bottom corner of the screen to see the circles appear for projectionist prompt. Every time I went to see a film I would have my eyes glued to that spot, just waiting. The rotten sod). Anyway, I never really got how Andy could have got crawled through the hole in his cell wall, then replace the poster over the hole. That's been bugging me since the first time I saw it. And how did Red remember the exact location of the rock, the tree and the beach after one off the cuff conversation in the excercise yard? I've seen the film a hundred times and I can't tell you those details. But now I've thought of something else.

According to the plot summary, he was digging a hole for 19 years. That's a long time and you have to admire his patience. Bless. 19 years though, can you honestly tell me in that time that he never once had his cell checked, redecorated, or the poster fell down like they do. I had a James Hunt poster on my wall above my bed when I was a nipper and it would fall down at least once a week. And I can't really believe that in 19 years he never once moved cells. Goddamn, it's ruined now. I really need to suspend my disbelief a little further.


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