Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Spam spam spam spam

If you ever receive an email that starts off with 'This is an actual extract from...' or 'This actually happened to a friend of mine...' (or in fact any email that has the words 'actual' or 'actually' in the first sentence) treat with extreme caution. There is a strong possibility that you will receive the same email 15 times over the next three weeks, but will be disguised ie. 'This is an actual posting on...', 'This is actually taken from CNN...' etc etc.

Another good indication that the email will be a load of pigs trotters will be from the sender. Does this person send you 50 cartoons a day that aren't in the slightest bit humourous? Does this person send you chain letters , usually stating 'I don't normally send these, but...'? Does this person reply to all your emails with 'LOL'?

You have been warned.


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