Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Missed opportunities

I had a particularly gruelling week at work last week and on Friday night I really wanted to inflict pain on someone. When I returned to my bike, I found some nimrod had wedged his scooter between my bike and the one next to me. Now this pisses me off at the best of times, but the mood I was in, this time it really got my hackles up. As I was unlocking my bike and putting my helmet on I was devising ways on how I can make this bastard's life miserable. Shall I let his tyres down? Slash his seat? Move it into the middle of the road, kick it over and set it alight? Then I saw that he had left his keys in the ignition, and there is a drain about 2 feet away. Hmmmmm, choices choices. Unfortunately the Christian in me took over and I didn't do anything (but damn do I regret it now!) Anyway, scooterists are really just human beings, they just have a few issues. I hope this guy appreciates my act of goodwill.


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