Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The biker nod

There is a bit of a tradition that bikers adhere to whenever they pass another going in the opposite direction, the biker nod. I'm not sure why we do it, some sort of acknowledgement that we are brothers in 4 stroke or something. Let me describe the biker nod. It's not a normal nod as you would do when recognising someone you know vaguely, or agree with something. This one is special. You have to tilt your head to the right, so your ear is touching your shoulder. Anything else is not a biker nod and you will have to explain yourself to the Ministry of Nods. Anyway, it's kind of nice, albeit it a little naff. There are three notable exceptions when the nod should not be used; when you are riding pillion (it's only a rider that can nod, not a passenger), when in London (it's every man for himself there) and when you pass a scooter. Sometimes you pass a train of bikers, and you have to nod to each one of them. It gets very hazardous on Sunday mornings because sometimes you pass hundreds of bikers and you can get a sore neck if you don't nod properly.

I was in Sainsbury's petrol station this morning (shameless plug there, I wonder if I'll get extra Nectar™ points). I was queuing up to pay, and about 3 people in front of me was another biker. I suspected he was anyway as he was wearing full Dainese leathers and had a helmet on. He finished his transaction, turned to exit the shop and as he passed me he did the biker nod. What a prat. Unfortunately I wasn't expecting it and was disoriented, so I returned the greeting. Now I feel like a right numpty.


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