Thursday, August 03, 2006

Quiz night

Tonight is our 3rd annual quiz night, and as reigning champions for the last two years my team is under a lot of pressure. I must say I was particularly brilliant last year, although everyone thought I cheated because I just happen to know the ten ways of getting out in cricket. I can't believe how competitive everyone got, there was a real real edginess in the air, and when we won, a lot of mardiness. It actually got quite unpleasant, not in a violent way, just bad moods and grumps. People I consider friends in the office were clearly upset and accused me of cheating. Shit guys, I'm an anorak, I really do know the rules of cricket! Why on earth would I want to cheat at an Office Quiz Night, I have a lot more important things to be dishonest about. I wonder why grown ups get so funny like that? I actually considered not going this year because I really hate it when adults act like children, then I thought 'Bugger 'em, wind them up and watch them go'. No doubt if we lose there will be a queue of people at my desk tomorrow morning. If we win then I'm sure there will be dischord in the ranks. It does make me laugh. I only go because of the free beer and food.


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