Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The kids today

I was stuck on Chiswick Bridge on the way home the other night. Scorching hot early evening, cars blocking every possible filter so I just gave up and had a bit of a rest. As I was waiting, these two girls walked past. They couldn't have been older than 14. Both had taken off their t-shirts and were walking down the A316 in shorts and bras. Of course vans were tooting, heads were turning, some people were saying things to them as they were walking and giggling and chatting. Now I think most people in this country are like me, good decent folk that would ask these girls 'what are you thinking?'. Unfortunately there are other people that would see this display as an opportunity. For the rest of the journey all I could think about was what if something happened to these girls, I'd hate to read about it on the BBC that a couple of schoolgirls had gone missing in Chiswick, bodies found in Richmond Park etc.

Now in an ideal world, girls could do this and everyone would be jolly, but it isn't an ideal world and there are some sick puppies out there. I'm sure these two were acting perfectly innocently. They were hot and were seeking some attention, but I wonder if they considered the consequences if they attracted attention from the wrong sort of person. I seriously doubt it. But then children today don't consider the consequences of their actions, because generally there are no consequences. You can blame schools that don't discipline children anymore. You can blame parents that aren't at home often enough to punish their children when they have done something wrong. Life has a way of teaching people lessons, I just think that today's children aren't prepared and when they hit life full on, it comes as a bit of a shock. Often that lesson can be extreme.

In my upbringing, there was a line. If I crossed that line there was a reaction. I learnt very early where that line was, and what would happen if I visited the other side of it. I like to think that because I was disciplined at school, and my parents disciplined me at home, that I am a well rounded individual who knows right from wrong and respects those who deserve it. Maybe I sound like an old fart, but with a little one on the way, I am certainly going to try and bring him/her up the way my parents did me.

I hope these two girls were spotted by their parents, bundled into the car and given a bollocking.


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