Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bad office habits

Nothing pisses me off more in an office than people with a fake happy nature. Not that being happy at work is a bad thing, let me be more specific; Whistlers. Whistle a tune goddamnit, not just some random noise that sounds like next door's kettle boiling over. Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik is a good place to start, we all know it, it's pleasant enough ditty. And we all know it is for everyone else's benefit; 'lookee here, I'm so happy because I've had a meeting where everyone laughed at a joke I cracked.' Knobs.

And you get these people that do happy walks as well. You know the gig, bouncing lamb-like from foot to foot, shoulders peaking and troughing like the Pacific during monsoon season. Get three of them in a line and they look like the Snow White's gang on their way to the mine.

There are others that laugh VERY loudly at everything a certain person does, says, or emails. Everytime. Doesn't have to be a boss, but there is always Mr Popular in the office (never me, hence the rant) and for every Mr Popular there is always a Mr In-aweofmrpopular. It doesn't have to be a joke or witty email either, they greet work tasks with the enthusiasm normally reserved for puppies being taken for a walk. Order - 'Could you file this random piece of paper, minion'. Response - 'AbsoLUTEly'. Cue whistling and funny walk.

I'll add more when observed


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