Thursday, April 24, 2008

Things that have been winding me up at work

1- For 3 years I've been working on the same project, I shit thee not. Further, for three years I have been the only front end developer on this project. Last Monday, a contractor showed up and I was told that he would be helping me. Joy of joys. As you can image having spent 3 years on a project, I kind of know it inside out. I spent 2 1/2 days showing this guy where everything was, how to do stuff, how to cheat etc. Once his training was complete, I realised that it was actually a pretty quiet week and told him to just have a play around and get himself familiar with the code. On the Friday I approached him and said that next week will be a lot busier, he told me that he was only on a week contract and wouldn't be here next week. Fucking brilliant.

2- There is only one working gents toilet on the entire floor. Considering there are about 50 males in the office, it's no suprise that the queue to relieve is longer than one at the Twickenham turnstiles ten minutes before kick off.

3- I'm bugfixing at the moment. This requires
- opening the bug tracker program,
- navigating to the website and finding the problem,
- grabbing the code and fixing it,
- uploading the code through the server,
- returning to the bug tracker and updating the status of the bug.

The bugtracker has a ten minute inactivity timeout. The website has a 15 minute timeout. The server console has a random timeout from anywhere between 30 seconds to about 7 minutes. So for every bug I fix, I have to keep logging into each system at least 4 times before anything actually gets done. Oh, and my server is running off my laptop. Our company has a 10 minute auto lock function on computers.

Glad I got that out of the way.


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