Monday, February 19, 2007


The Congestion Charge ®™ kicks into effect in Chelsea and Kensington today. I travel through these areas on my commute, so it will be very interesting to see if it actually makes any difference to the traffic. I never thought this area was particularly congested so I'm convinced it's just a(nother) money making racket for Mr Livingstone. Most cars that travel through these areas are basically on their way into central London anyway. One day soon, I'm sure that Lands End will be in the C-Charge zone. Which leads me to...

Labour's plans of taxing each car every time they drive has met with a lot of opposition. In their wisdom, the government have set up an online peition, and to date over a million people have signed it. The government response to this opposition is that Mr Blair, our president, will send an email to all those signing the petition to tell them why charging you every time you go to pick the kids up from school is a good idea. In other words, the government are going to go ahead with this scheme no matter what we think. But then they invaded Iraq when no-one in the country wanted them to. It's more proof that Labour just do what the hell they want to. It's another good indication that they know they are going to be ousted at the next election as governments on their way out always start unpopular acts like this just to annoy the new ruling party. You heard it here first.

Anyway, two further examples of how bad things are getting in the UK at the moment. I half expect to be taxed for living soon.


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