Friday, February 01, 2008

Lip up fatty

I'm not one for new year's resolutions, but this year I vowed that I would lose weight. I've always been festively plump. Except for a hiatus between the ages of 16 and 21, when thankfully I managed to get some sex in before my weight caught up with my overdraft.

Promising myself, and more importantly, the boss that I would have a flat tummy sometime this year was one thing, actually achieving it would be quite another. I decided that I needed help so I signed up to Weightwatchers. The online version, not the 'get your gut out in the local primary school gymnasium' humiliation.

It's actually pretty good. You can eat what you want, you just have to tot up the points assigned to the food you eat and keep within a daily limit. It's fairly easy to follow and there is an online diary widget that you can enter your sins into.

There is also a forum where you can ask and answer questions, get advice, and for those completely lacking any self discipline, get encouragement from other horizontally challenged sad cases. The first (and last) time I visited it, the first 4 topics were all related to chocolate cake. I had to chuckle. Although I have to admit that the only reason I went to the forum was to see how much beer I could drink in a day. Not much, was the painfully dissapointing answer.

So will you be seeing a new superslimskybluesnowysoon? Will you fuck, knocked it in the head after a 6 hour Saturday sesh followed by cheeseburger and chips down the local.


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